(San Juan, Puerto Rico - January 17, 2025) - On January 15, 2025, Representative Luis Pérez Ortiz filed House Resolution 59. The title of the same reads as follows: To direct the Committee on Municipal Affairs to conduct an exhaustive investigation on the provisions of Section 7.148 of Act No. 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico,” in order to analyze viable proposals for amendments, evaluate the financial impact on municipalities and consider alternatives to guarantee a balance between municipal revenues and support for the commercial sectors; to investigate all matters related to the inventory tax; and for other related purposes. We understand that this resolution seeks to evaluate the impact that the municipalities would have and the real alternatives that may be useful to guarantee municipal revenues revolving around the inventory tax.
The work of the first ordinary session of the 20th Legislative Assembly in the House of Representatives began with the traditional Inaugural Session. The new legislative body presided over by Representative Carlos “Johnny” Méndez will have under its consideration the following 6 bills related to municipalities.
House Bill 66 - To add a new Article 2.036A to Act 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico”, in order to establish specific requirements for the acquisition of vehicles for the use of mayors, and for other purposes.
House Bill 67 - To amend Section 1.014 of Act 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Puerto Rico Municipal Code,” and to amend Section 9.5 of Act 58-2020, as amended, known as the “Puerto Rico Electoral Code of 2020” for the purpose of increasing to sixty (60) days the term for holding a special vote when a mayor resignation arises; and for other related purposes.
House Bill 68 - To amend Section 1.016 of Act 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico” so that the municipal legislatures shall be in charge of submitting a draft ordinance to establish the order of interim succession of the mayor due to permanent vacancy in the municipalities and not the mayors; and for other related purposes.
House Bill 0150 - To amend Section 6. 026 of Act 107-2020, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico,” in order to provide that the municipalities, the Planning Board, the Permits Management Office, the Highways and Transportation Authority, and the other public agencies concerned, allocate not less than ninety (90%) percent of the impact fee to be used, specifically, for improvements, services, conservation and maintenance of the public facilities that are affected by the development on which said charge is imposed; and for other related purposes.
Additional measures filed in the Senate:
Senate Bill 148 - To amend Section 4.011 of Act 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico,” in order to establish the obligation of the municipalities of the Island to publish, in their official web page, the Inventory of Properties Declared as Public Nuisances; and for other related purposes.
Senate Bill 197 - To amend subsection (l) of Section 3. 025 of Act 107-2020, as amended, known as the “Municipal Code of Puerto Rico,” in order to group and consolidate within said Act, all provisions related to the Education and Training Program for the Prevention and Management of Domestic Violence for all municipal police officers, for the purpose of facilitating and simplifying its application; to repeal Act 59-2020, known as the “Act for the Education, Prevention and Management of Domestic Violence for the Municipalities of Puerto Rico”; and for other related purposes.